
Showing posts from August, 2017

We couldn't agree more! "When life gives you lemons πŸ‹, trade them for coffee β˜•οΈ" πŸ“· credit goes to: @brittgourmet #Coffee #CoffeeLovers #CoffeeIsLife #CafeBritt #CafeBrittANZ #Caffeine #Cafe #CoffeeGram #Wisdom #CoffeeAddict #ButFirstCoffee #Life #CoffeeLove #BestOfTheDay

Get into our coffee mugs! #cafebritt #cafeorganico #espresso πŸ“· credit goes to: @tito_cafecito

Light up your day with a cup of exquisite #espresso imported directly from Costa Rica! πŸ“· by @britt_costa_rica "Unlike many coffee roasters from the United States and Europe, CafΓ© Britt works directly and has a close relationship with every single coffee grower in order to improve their quality of life and creation of the highest standard of gourmet coffee. Our gourmet Fair Trade coffee is made out of two important elements that make it so distinctive from the rest of our coffees; first, it is produced entirely out of Costa Rica’s Brunca Region, making it a single origin 100% gourmet coffee from one of our youngest coffee-producing zones. Secondly, it is internationally certified as a Fair Trade growing area where we as a company, ensure and constantly monitor that above-market prices are paid to our farmers for their outstanding crops." via #coffeelovers #mycoffee #coffeegram #coffeetime #coffeeplease #coffeebloggers #coffeeblog #coffeeart #coffeesesh #coffeeshop #costaricacoffee #cafΓ© #cafebritt #brittcoffee #costaricastyle #coffeeshot #coffeelover #coffeeholics #coffeeloversunite #cafebrittaustralia #coffeelove #Sydneycoffee #aussiecoffee

πŸ“· by @emibowie & coffeeβ˜• by #CafeBritt #coffee #coffeelovers #costaricancoffee #coffeenerds #coffeegram #β˜• #costaricocoffee

"Costa Rican coffee β˜• is so yummy! Good thing we have 5 more packages! πŸ˜„" says @navynhum. Thanks for the photo! and we couldn't agree more! #cafebritt #costaricancoffee #coffee #tasty #coffeegram #wakeup #costarica #cupofjoe #coffeelovers #coffeehub #coffeeislife

Enjoy a bright, clean, balanced and highly aromatic coffee by #cafebritt "Over the past millennia, volcanic eruptions have spilled rich minerals into the soil making it extremely fertile. Enriched by volcanic ashes, the soil also has a slight degree of acidity. This promotes a good distribution of the #coffee plants’ roots, which in turn retains humidity and facilitates oxygenation. These characteristics invigorate the plants and contribute to their high quality #coffeebeans." via Here's @santiagotorresjr enjoying a delicious CAFΓ‰ BRITT #coffee #cafebritt #costarica #coffeetime #coffees | πŸ“· via @santiagotorresjr

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" and when in Costa Rica, enjoy delicious #CafeBritt #coffee πŸ“· by @viniciusmfreittas

Excellent latte art! πŸ“· by @littlemissmuffin_foodblogger β˜• #coffee #coffeetime #coffeelife #latteart #coffeeart